
WordPress lazy load images with blur up technique

WordPress lazy load images with blur up technique

18 Mar 2020

Lazy loading images in WordPress with blur up technique.

Markdown comments in WordPress

Markdown comments in WordPress

18 Feb 2020

Implement markdown supported comments in WordPress using Parsedown.

Create options page in WordPress using free ACF

Create options page in WordPress using free ACF

17 Feb 2020

Create a custom settings page for your WordPress site using ACF free version.

Sidenav using pure css

Sidenav using pure css

20 Apr 2019

Pure CSS side nav with toggle controls.

Sliced text in CSS

Sliced text in CSS

20 Mar 2019

Create sliced/glitch text effect using CSS

Pure CSS modal

Pure CSS modal

19 Mar 2019

Pure CSS Modal with close/open buttons as well as click outside to close ability.

Create animated donut chart using SVG and javascript

Create animated donut chart using SVG and javascript

05 Feb 2019

Animated donut chart using SVG, javascript, and CSS.